Small, Powerful Groups in India
The journey begins! Eight members of our Small, Powerful Groups community have landed in India for a transformative week of learning, connection, and exploration. From the vibrant streets of Bangalore to deep-diving into Self-Help Groups, we’re ready to bring back powerful insights to strengthen our movement at home.
Our first day at MYRADA in Hosur has been a whirlwind of experiences, emotions, and first impressions. Two of our members, Louise and Reena, share their initial thoughts as they embark on this incredible journey.
A Chaotic Yet Fascinating First Day
By Louise
My journey to India began yesterday, and it’s been a long but fascinating experience so far! One of the things I’ve enjoyed most has been watching the traffic from our bus—the sheer volume of vehicles and the constant sound of beeping is incredible. Everyone seems eager to get on their way, yet there’s no frustration or anger, just a mutual understanding of the chaos.
Today has been challenging, though. The long travel, lack of sleep, and being so far from home have made me wish I was back at home at times. But I knew that was just exhaustion talking, and already, my mindset has shifted.
I’ve loved trying Indian food and can’t wait to explore more flavors as the week goes on. Tomorrow, we’re heading out on a field trip to meet Indian women and learn about their work—an exciting opportunity to meet inspiring people and gain new perspectives. India already feels like an incredible place, and I’m looking forward to discovering more!
Navigating New Challenges with Mindfulness
By Reena
Today I traveled to Bengaluru as part of the SPG trip to learn about the NGO, MYRADA. This is my first group trip abroad, and so far, it has been a journey of support, compassion, exploration, and safety. India is an overwhelming country in so many beautiful ways. Despite my excitement at returning to my homeland, I felt immediately pushed out of my comfort zone even before arriving here.
My cat had to undergo emergency surgery the day before I was flying out, which was extremely challenging to deal with. The guilt of leaving her in the hospital while I embarked on this adventure was heartbreaking. I even considered canceling my flight. But through prayer and mindfulness techniques, I was able to calm myself and focus on what was within my control.
Many challenges seemed to present themselves over the course of the day, but being part of such an adaptable and considerate team made all the difference in overcoming the obstacles. I am thoroughly looking forward to the remainder of this trip—learning more about women-led groups and exploring the vast, cultural, and wonderfully colorful country that is India.
This is just the beginning of our journey at MYRADA. Stay tuned for more reflections, experiences, and powerful moments from the field as we continue this incredible adventure.