Get started with help from the community

A home for real conversations.

A place to join hands, start something meaningful, and celebrate every win. A place to lean on and lift each other. A place where we have your back. A place to ask for reassurance, express your wobbles and book an advisor. A place to find the resources that move you forward. A place to join weekly check-ins. A place to remind each other of what’s possible and to remember deep deep down, that your voice—and your ideas—truly matter.

Once in the community take it a step further and get accountability in a Small Powerful Group.

We are all for simple over here at Small Powerful Groups and believe that anything that is good and meaningful should be simple to pick up and get started.

Follow this simple step-by-step guide to get your Small Powerful Group off the ground:

Gather Others & Create Your Group Chat

Reach out to friends or women you admire who could form the core of your group. You'll want 4-8 women to start. Set up a group text, WhatsApp, or messaging channel to communicate easily. (Feel free to add us so we can lend a hand!)

Get Clear on Your "Why", “When” & “How

What needs is this group fulfilling? Support? Growth? Accountability? Dream big, then get specific. Then decide when/how to meet. Virtual or in-person? Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly? Keep it simple at first.

Co-Create Your Groups’ Purpose and Values

Beyond logistics, draft a purpose statement combining your collective "whys." What matters most? What core values will guide your interactions? Vulnerability, honesty, commitment?

Discuss Leadership

We know that the most successful groups rotate leadership responsibilities. Think about selecting someone to be the leader for the first month and then trade off - that way everyone feels a sense of ownership in the group.

Make it Official

Capture all the details in a simple group agreement you can reference and amend And go ahead- give your group a name you love.

We’ve got a handy resource if you want some examples to help you.

Start Small, Go Deep

At first meetings, share meaningful pieces of yourselves and big dreams. But focus on taking small, consistent actions.

Introduce Accountability Through Savings

Putting a few pounds in a group pot can create powerful sense of accountability and commitment for the group. But only if it feels right! For more about savings head over here.

This is just the start. As you begin meeting, your Small Powerful Group will become a source of friendship, growth and empowerment. We're here to support you every step of the way!

Let us know once your group is formed, and we'll send a little welcome gift to celebrate your first steps!

Want a call from an SPG member? Maybe you need some reassurance? Just want to double check you’ve got the right idea? Don’t take it from us - speak to a member directly. 

Check out our other handy resources that might help you and your group get going.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Not sure if Small, Powerful Groups are for you? Check out this impact report to see how women in Scotland are benefiting from starting their own SPGs.

Still have questions? We’ve got you covered.