Support For You
Sometimes, taking the next step can be overwhelming; maybe you're lacking the right information, the plan isn’t good-enough yet, or fear has crept in. That's when having a fresh pair of eyes and a listening ear can make a world of difference.
Speaking to us will help you take the next step. Book a 30-minute 1:1 slot.
Noel Mathias, Founder and Director
1:1 sessions on WeeStart Loans, savings and easy-to-do investments.
Eleanor Campbell, All things Operations
1:1 sessions on goal setting and TrustMoney.
Heather Tosh, All things Communications
1:1s on all things digital, branding and getting your idea, product, or service OUT there!
Alison Finlay
1:1s on starting a business, marketing and telling your story.
Lynsey Wells
A Glasgow-based Artist, Maker and Workshop Facilitator will unlimited passion and talent. Lyns knows exactly what it's like to 'put yourself out there'. She brings out the best in people and delivers an array of fun and engaging workshops and meet-ups for us.
Lawrence Renn
Basic bookkeeping, budgeting, cashflows and self-publishing your first book!
Eddie Kelly
Risk assessments, Health and Safety, Event Management, Venue Hire
Yes, you are the biggest deal around here! You believe in the importance of community and are overflowing with skills, knowledge and wisdom. If you have a skill you want to share with your group or the members here, always feel able to offer it.